Monday, June 3 from 6-8 p.m.
University of District of Columbia 

WHAT: A networking event for professional and home bakers to share bakes and information about baking with local grains.

WHERE: University of District of Columbia 

WHEN: Monday, June 3 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

COST: $10 for CGA members, $20 general admission, free for UDC students

Theme: Baking With Local Rye

Rye is a much-loved grain most famous for its use in hearty Nordic and Baltic-style breads like pumpernickel and rugbrød. However, rye's sweet and nutty flavor works wonderfully in cookies and sweet breads and can be blended with wheat flour to add nutty flavor to lighter crumbed breads. As a crop, rye has deep root systems that prevent soil erosion, increase water penetration, and build soil health. Rye grows easily, is flood and drought tolerant, and naturally suppresses weeds, making it a popular choice in crop rotations for organic farmers. By baking with local rye, you support local farmers in planting diversified crop rotations that increase biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Andrew Roy, Owner and Head Baker at Twin Bears Bakery will give a brief talk about his creative uses of rye in his breads. Serious Home Baker and CGA member Mark Woodward will also present lessons learned about baking rye breads at home.

Come ready to share how you like to use local rye in your baking!


  • A bread or baked item of your choice made with local rye. Local grains can be sourced from the CGA/FreshFarm Grain Stand at the Dupont, Mosaic, Downtown Silver Spring, and Arlington farmers markets, or the “Find Mid-Atlantic Grain” page on CGA’s website.

  • A recipe card with information about your bake (consider including a formula or recipe, which grains are locally sourced) and contact information you would like to share (e.g., your instagram handle). We will collect these cards at the end of the event and share them through the CGA Home Baker Google Group.

⬇️ Register below & we’ll see you there! ⬇️


Regenerative Grain Agriculture Field Day at Next Step Produce - May 2, 2024